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Sunday, January 6, 2019


What's Your Vision

Bible Verses, Bible Verses Victory, Faith, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Prayer, Sermons, Sermons On Prayer, Vision, What's Your Vision,
This is a very special place for me you see this tree is an old tree I know it's more than fifty years all the calls I used to come here more than fifty years ago was a university student I was a brand new Christian and I would come here and I find this little spot early in the morning and I would seek the lord and talk to him and and and have fellowship with him I would read my Bible it was during that time that god did this tremendous work in my life he gave me a vision for what he wanted me to do for who we want to be to become as I want to ask you a question today in this first devotion what's your vision what's your vision for your life for your family for your church for your community what's your vision there was a man in the Bible who had a vision Isaiah chapter six says in the year of king use I. S. death high solve the lord you see Isaiah had a vision of god and I believe the kind of vision that we need today is the kind of vision that I'd say I had, in fact, it was three fold, first of all, he saw god in all of his power and all of his authority the sawing seated upon his throne and what we need today is to see the god who has all power all authority the god who is seated upon his throne and you know what's wonderful about that the throne of god is not only the seed of authority and the seat of power but the throne of god is the throne of grace according to Hebrews chapter four and so we can come because of what Jesus did you see I came to this place right here because I had just met Jesus and when Jesus comes in your life then he gives you a fresh vision you can say god you can know god you can have fellowship with god so the first thing we need to see is god in his power and his authority seated upon his throne but when I.

He's an assault award the angels cried out holy holy holy is the lord god almighty the whole earth is filled with his glory when I say us all the holiness of God there was something else that happened Isaiah saw himself is the first year in upper division then he had an inward vision he saw himself in the light of a holy god all that we need to see is god's holding this today we need this desperately in this generation and when we see ourselves in the light of his holiness we will do Isay India what did he do he cried out what was making for I'm a man of unclean lips and I live in the midst of a people of unclean lips or eyes have seen the king the lord of hosts when you see him when you see his character his nature his purity his holiness you'll say oh god.

You know me I'm not like Jesus make me more like Jesus you'll humble yourself and you know what happened when Isaiah humbled himself like that the angels came from the throne of God and they brought grace and they brought forgiveness and they touched him and his sins were forgiven and many of the third part of his vision he saw the people around him he heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I say in who will go Flores and Isaiah said here are mine send me to send me you say.

Early as a Christian, I came to this spot and I would meet with God and God would meet with me and I can remember it was my heart was so tender and in god was doing something so real in my life and I can remember crying out saying god here I am sent me to send me. 

Find a place get alone with god get to know him in his character in his power in his purity and then you will get to know in his love and you will see the world around you you'll see a world in the and you will hear the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send.

And who will go far this then you will say. Here is mine. Soon may be said may

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