Holy Spirit

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Friday, May 24, 2019

Trusting God in the Storm of Chaos || Motivational & Inspirational || Holy Spirit

Trusting God in the Storm of Chaos  Motivational & Inspirational 

Trusting God, Trusting God in the Storm of Chaos, Motivational , Inspirational , Spirit of Jesus Christ, Spirit, jesus, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Faithful, Faith, christian, Christian Praying, bibleverses, bibleverse, Blessings, christ, Bible Verses On Blessings, Bible Study, Bible Quotes,

we are all sailing across the sea of life some of you are in a great storm right now listen closely God didn't promise smooth sailing but he did promise that you're going to reach the other side some of you have lost your job some of you are going through marriage crisis some of you are experiencing business failures or business reversals some of you are going through a time of family illness some of you have experienced unexpected tragedy that's stricken like lightning striking you out of a clear blue heaven but what can we learn from chaos what can we do to survive the coming storm what to do when you feel like you're going under when chaos reigns           

 when fear grabs you by the throat and tries to drown you what to do chaos doesn't mean that something is wrong with you chaos doesn't mean that God is angry with you God doesn't love you or that God has rejected you chaos does not mean that if you were in the perfect will of God you wouldn't be in that storm let me tell you this very candidly chaos is a normal part of life and living struggle is the essence of growth and development a mighty oak begins with a little seed that is planted in the soil and fights its way up only to face the winds the rain the snow           

 The Blazing Sun and endless adversity year after year to become a beautiful magnificent oak tree because it's only in the storm that your faith can grow it's only when your faith is tested by fire that you really know how pure your faith is it's only when you are tested that your character can develop only in the storm can you discover the power of God to deliver you only in the storm do you call upon the Lord and find him to be the ever-present help in the time of trouble the storm develops your confidence and has your confidences so is your capacity that means that God sent to Davian a lion to whip and then a bear to whip before he sent two giants God has you fighting to fight your fighting now because it's a fight designed to develop your confidence and when you win this one the next one will be a little bigger and you'll have the confidence because of your past victory and when you win that one you'll win the next one and the next one and the next one because God is transforming you into a lion of God because God doesn't answer instantly doesn't mean he's not going to answer because God's delays are not God's denial he's waiting for persistence to overcome resistance he's trying to develop in you the character of endurance for those who endure to the end the same shall be saved the resistance of water is necessary for ships to float the resistance of air is necessary for a plane to fly the resistance of gravity is necessary for you to walk God puts you through a struggle to develop you into who you're going to be in the kingdom of God God news   


No one in the Bible until he put them through the University of adversity before he allowed them to be a leader in the kingdom of God you will have your adversity you will reach the other side but God is going to make a champion of grace out of every one of you listen to me when you focus on the threat         

 You will experience fear when you focus on Jesus you will experience things when you struggle when you go through adversity think about the possibility that God is using your struggle and your adversity every opportunity has difficulty and every difficulty has opportunity it's only when you come to grips with a difficulty that you will realize your potential stop looking at your circumstance and start looking at your opportunity the things you trust in today will fail you tomorrow people will fail you how many brides and grooms have walked the aisle of the wedding chapel stood before God and made a covenant and they put the complete trust in another person and that person broke that covenant and broke their heart how painful how chaotic what oceans of anger flood the soul when that happens what madness where is God to allow something like that to happen to listen it's not the end of the world in time your heart will heal the Sun will shine again you will sing a game you will love a game you may think there's no answer for me Oh God God has a thousand and one answers you haven't thought of where do you go when the storms of life are greater than what you Cannon do when the storm or great when the wind and the waves are crashing your dreams where you go you go to the one who winds and waves obey his name is Jesus he is the rock he is the Saviour

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