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Monday, January 7, 2019

Christian Praying

Christian Praying

Bible Verses Victory, Christian Praying, Faith, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Lessons, Prayer, Prayer For Victory, Praying, Sermons,                      Today I want to speak to you about normal Christian praying now when I say normal Christian praying I'm not saying typical Kristin bright the average person probably put praise at the most three minutes a day are they pray over the meals and not that's about the extent of most people's prayer life but that's not the normal Christian prayer life what is normal Christian praying when I talk about it with the Bible says in the book of Hebrews in chapter four and verse sixteen that we should come boldly before the throne of grace the throne of god is a throne of grace and normal Christian prying is knowing that without Jesus without him and what he's done for you you cannot come into the presence of god but he bids us he bids us become boldly and why does he do that because he loves us and he wants to have a relationship with us all if we only understood how much god loves us it's by grace that we're say despite grace that we live is by grace that we do all that we do but especially in this matter of prayer because god is almighty god is holy and yet because of what Jesus did on the cross he said it is finished he completed the work so that you and I could be forgiven and come into the presence of a whole week almighty god he wants to have a relationship with us he wants to walk with us and have communion with us so normal Christian prying is the realization that there's nothing you can do to earn god's goodness there's nothing you can do to come into his presence that will make you any better it's all by grace and so you come in and you enter into his presence not was something trying to twist his arm and getting to do something that you wanted to do when you come in with a heart of thanks giving a heart this fill with.

                         Ladies and worship because you know you're in the presence of the almighty god only because of what he has done on the cross what he did when he sent his son Jesus that by his shed blood we are forgiven and we have access into his presence that's normal Christian pray normal Christian praying is coming with the spirit of excitement with the spirit of joy with it with all its coming in the presence of almighty god listen I had been in the presence of prime ministers in the presence of club members of parliament sing great leaders of the world but I want to tell you what there is nothing like coming into the presence of the one who created this universe and that's all by grace so I come with a heart that says thank you.

                        I love you I have worship you all week enter into his presence with thanksgiving in price that is normal Christian pray not something out of obligation where I have to do something or say something have a certain group of words that I have to repeat that is coming to the heart it's filled with thanksgiving and worship because I know I'm there by the grace of God that's normal Christian pray.

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