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Monday, January 7, 2019

Power in Prayer

Power in Prayer

Bible Verses, Bible Verses Victory, Faith, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Power in Prayer, Prayer, Sermons, Sermons On Prayer,
I want to speak to you today about the power of prayer God does extraordinary things when we pray and we seek his face second Corinthians chapter twelve in verse nine says that his power his strength is manifested in our weaknesses so often what happens in our lives as God has to allow weakness so that he can be shown as strong I remember I was in Ethiopia preaching an evangelistic meeting and Addis Ababa the capital city and I was in the stadium of the Republican caught a blast and such a mighty way the stadium was packed in fact not only was it packed but every day it grew the crowds grew and people were coming to Christ and on the final day Saturday I had to preach two times because there were so many people coming and when we had to grip the evangelistic meetings in the stadium and god did something very special in that meeting I was just overwhelmed I woke up that morning and when I woke up I said to my wife. 

                       I couldn't speak anything came out my voice was gone and all I could do was barely squeak out of my boys since it but I'm going to do I'm preaching to perhaps the largest crowd I've ever faced in my life what am I going to do and I was weak and I praying soul god help me god give me grace I need your strip well I went to the stadium and by boys stay the same way and I stood there in that stadium and I preach like this she.

                       That's all I could do and no one could actually hear me the only person who could hear me was my interpreter standing next to me and that's all that was needed because he could speak clearly and I spoke with a squeaky voice he interpreted and old the glory of god came and so many people came to know Jesus Christ thousands upon thousands came to know him and I discovered something that prayer doesn't always make us strong sometimes prayer brings us to the place where we're weak because it's in that place of weakness that we have to depend upon god when I've studied the great evangelist of all people like deal moody prayer deeply affected his entire ministry people like George Whitfield he will be found early in the morning it's coming out of the field he'd been praying all night long Charles Spurgeon one the great preachers how to people under the pulpit underneath him who were praying while he preached prayer and the power of god if you want to know the power of god in your life you need to become a person of prayer but it may mean that you're going to be weak because in our weaknesses his strength is made perfect.

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