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Friday, January 25, 2019

Prayer and Faith

Prayer and Faith

Do you have a mountain in your life that seems impossible to conquer? If so, I want to introduce you to two cousins who can help you conquer any mountain in your life. Their names – Prayer and Faith.

Christian Praying, Faith, Faithful, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Power in Prayer, Prayer, Prayer and Faith, Praying, Pride, Sermons,

Jesus said anything you ask in prayer believing you shall receive it and one of the things that Jesus did was he took prayer and faith any brought them together and if you want to really have power in your prayer life you need to combine prayer with faith because the two go together I remember as a new Christian that I came to Christ and I didn't know anything about the Bible and got a call me to preach to bring the gospel to the nations of the world and my pastor encouraged me to go to a Christian college and learn the Bible so I transferred from the state school now at the state school I had scholarships I had my way paid for to go to school but at the Christian school I didn't have anything no scholarships I I it was costly much more expensive and so I don't know what I would do and god begin to teach me about faith and trusting him praying and believing trusting him to meet every single made and so I'll never get I wouldn't hurt a man by the name of manly Beasley is a great teacher on faith and he was in this little country church speaking about faith and I wouldn't hurt him speak I came under such conviction that I knew nothing of the kind of faith that this man was talking about that I couldn't even finish hearing his message I got up and I walked out of the church and I found a place under the trees and I knelt in that little place and I call on god I ask god to do work in my life the next day I went to the administration building at the college and I asked my set up what is my bill going to be for the year and I'll never forget they opened up the books and they look and a soul you won't know anything as a what do you mean several a scout Sammy tippet scholarship funds taking care but I said there's no scholarship I don't have a scholarship continues you do as well who are sponsoring the scholarship they said it's anonymous.

Hi, I would back to my room and I got on my knees and said thank you lord god begin to teach me how to walk and how to live by faith you see prayer and faith combined.

Makes great things for Jesus said anything you ask in prayer believing you shall receive it when  gives you something to do when you know what's his will you can believe in you can trust him and he will do great and mighty things so if he's called you to do something go to him in prayer believing and then see what he will do.

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