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Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Knowledge of God

The Knowledge of God

How well do you know God?  He wants to have a deeply personal relationship with you, You will learn three very specific ways in which you can know God more fully.  

Bible Study, Bible Study Introduction to Prayer.Lessons, Bible Verses, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Prayer, The Knowledge of God,
   One of the most amazing truths and all of the Bible is it you and me people like us can know God can know the one who created the beauty of the earth one who.

Can know him who hung the stars in space that we can really know.

Him, in fact, the apostle Paul one of the great Christians of all times wrote this.

He said that eyeing might know.


In the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings.

Being made conformable unto his death.

SAnd and that was an interesting thing that Paul wrote because when he wrote that he already knew him in fact on the road to Damascus.

Jesus appeared to when.

He met Jesus his life was changed he was.

Turned from being a hater of Christianity and Christians to being a lover of Ghana lover of Jesus and one of the great proponents of the good news.

Of Jesus Christ but.

Even though he knew him.

He wrote that.

I might know him not what did he mean by that.

You see I I knew my wife when I met her I mean I I got to know her and we were married.

And and and I knew her and I loved her.


The longer.

We've been married the better I've gotten to know where I've gotten to know her.

Weaknesses I've gotten over strands and she's gotten to know me and so it's in that kind of knowledge that deep intimate knowledge that Paul is writing he says I wanna know him in the power of his resurrection and I do I want to know God in his power in the power of his resurrection I wanna see God do great and mighty things because he's a great and mighty god but also he said.

That I might know him in the fellowship of his sufferings.

Not just know him of the great things but no women the tough things no I'm in the hard things because Jesus went through suffering Jesus went through some difficult times and Paul said I want to know him not just in a great time but I want to know I'm in the tough times I will know him in the in the sorrows and I can tell you this.


My wife and I.

Our love for each other is.

As grown as we've gotten to know each other better but not just in the good times and the happy down but also.

In the hard times and the difficult times.

And so we want to know him in the fellowship of his sufferings and then.

He concludes by saying.

Being made conformable.

Unto his death.

And you see what happens is when we get to know him.

And the power of his resurrection the fellowship of sufferings were made more like Jesus we become like him especially in his death and the epitome of the love of God.

Mankind is found when Jesus died on.

The cross.

And something happens to us when we get to know God in the fellowship of his sufferings in the power of his resurrection we are made conformable into the death of Jesus and we have a supernatural love where we're more like Jesus we love people more like Jesus love people we become more like him to get to know God in the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death.

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